Dorion Mode - A blog by Robinson Dorion.

May 6, 2024

Philosophy is laughter.

Filed under: Cultura Bellem — Robinson Dorion @ 00:26

August 2, 2023

Chat analysis : the ever enduring IRC

Filed under: Cultura Bellem — Robinson Dorion @ 17:46

August 1, 2023

Chat analysis : cutting through the noise Signal emits to show you, dear reader, how cancerous it is.

Filed under: Cultura Bellem — Robinson Dorion @ 07:55

July 23, 2023

The root of our dispute is I value substance over form and thus manage to learn and grow, while you cling to form and, thus, dwell in mediocrity.

Filed under: Cultura Bellem — Robinson Dorion @ 21:16

July 18, 2023

Hey, you hipster morons, why do you want thinking people to hate you so much they'd not piss down your throat if your guts were on fire ?

Filed under: Cultura Bellem — Robinson Dorion @ 03:42

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