I practiced exercise 5 this morning. It's a ~30 minute session of listening and speaking building on the previous practices.
I learned that in Ro the conditional and optative moods are the same. The optative doesn't exist is French and Spanish, so the present conditional was used.
A helpful reader pointed out I was mixing up my French tenses in previous exercises, so I worked to clean that up here. I kept in mind to use the 2nd person plural in Romanian and French for formal address and 3rd person singular in Spanish.
Buna ziua Donule.(i)
Buna ziua Domnisoara, ce mai faceti ?(ii)
Eu ? Foarte bine. Si dumneavoastra ? Sunteti bine ?(iii)
Da, sunt bine, multumesc. As dori sa beau ceva. Ati dori sa beti ceva ?(iv)
Cred ca nu, dar as dori sa mananc ceva. Ati dori sa mancati ceva ?(v)
~~Present indicative.~~
Doriti sa mancati ceva ?(vi)
Nu doresc sa mananc, multumesc.(vii)
Nu stiu.(viii)
- Buenos dias Senor.
Bonjour Monsoir.
Good day Sir. [^] - Buenos dias Senorita. Como esta usted ?
Bonjour Mademoiselle, comment allez-vous ?
Good day Miss, how are you ? [^] - Yo ? Muy bien. Y usted ? Esta bien ?
Moi ? Tres bien. Et vous ? Allez-vous bien ?
Me ? Very well. And you ? Are you well ? [^] - Si, estoy bien, gracias. Me gustaria* beber algo. Le gustaria beber algo ?
Oui, je vais bien, merci. Je voudrais boire quelquechose. Voulez-vous boire quelque chose ?
Yes, I'm well, thanks. I'd like to drink something. Would you like to drink something ?*"Yo querria" can also be used, but I've found myself using gustar more in the conditional. [^]
- Creo que no, pero me gustaria comer algo. Le gustaria comer algo ?
Je crois que non, mais je voudrais manger quelque chose. Voudreiz-vous manger quelque chose ?
I think not, but I'd like to eat something. Would you like to eat something ? [^] - Quiere comer algo ?
Voulez-vous manger quelque chose ?
Do you want to eat something ? [^] - No quiero comer, gracias.
Je ne veux pas manger, merci.
No, I don't want to eat, thanks. [^] - Yo no se.
Je ne sais pas.
I don't know. [^]