Dorion Mode - A blog by Robinson Dorion.

November 16, 2019

JWRD Computing: The why, how, what and way forward.

Filed under: JWRD — Robinson Dorion @ 03:52

The JWRD(i) Computing why, how, what and way forward, i.e. business plan.

This venture exists to support clients in pursuit of enforcing personal sovereignty through strengthening their digital security. We provide qualified individuals a relatively sane, customizable computing environment and set of key management tools. With a clean learning environment and one-on-one consultation we guide the individual in strengthening himself. On the one hand, as Ayn Rand (ii) put it, "Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men." On the other hand, as computers become more central to human life, and Bitcoin continues to disrupt socialism on all levels, sane computer operation becomes an ever increasing responsibility of the thinking man.

While in the short-term, the r-selected, fast food (iii) computing paradigm has spread like the virus it is, the K-selected, home cooking computing paradigm has been the only tenable method of sane computer operation since 2015 and will remain the case moving forward. The tools and training we provide clients accelerate their transition from their current, unsustainable, fast food diet to the healthier, more sustainable, home cooking technology lifestyle.

The layers of transition are:

  • On the Hardware level, we transition clients from chip sets that are backdoored by design -- e.g. Intel ME, AMD PSP -- to Corebootable machines.
  • Operating System usage moves from proprietary systems -- e.g. MSFT Windows, AAPL MacOSX/iOS, GOOG Android, Canonical Ubuntu, IBM RedHat -- to compilable from source systems -- e.g. Gales Linux (iv), OpenBSD.
  • Software Platform usage transitions from third party provisioned accounts -- e.g. Google Mail, WhatsApp, iMessage, Twitter, AWS -- to protocols where the operator may deploy the software on systems he owns -- e.g. qmail for email, IRC for chat, MP-WP for publishing.
  • Code Access shifts from closed source or third party compiled binaries to open source deployments managed with V.
  • System Changes move from being forced upon the user by unaccountable corporations to the operator's choice and responsibility to implement.
  • We shift clients' Modality of Operation from the visual, mousey, point and click control, emotionally stimulating usage to the verbal, command line environment where logic comes to the forefront.
  • The Locus of Complexity is transitioned from a complex system for simple users to simple systems for complex operators.
  • On the Key Management front, the fast food model of weak passwords over insecure protocols falls away as operators come to understand secure key management.
  • From there, Asset Custody moving from insecure online account via leveraged and leaky socialist licensed financial institutions to operator owned digital cash becomes that much more of a no-brainer.
  • When considered in the context of Sound Money, moving from digital, centrally issued, non-fungible scrip of unverifiable supply to a digital, transparent, perfectly fungible cash that's undebaseably scarce becomes that much easier when the skills and awareness home cooked (v) computing engenders are sharpened.

The Bottom Line result is clients owning their hardware infrastructure ; lowering the cost to understand the software they use by enumerating goodness, minimizing complexity, verifying sources and compiling everything ; becoming stronger operators through education and practice of sensible skills such that they build the capacity to establish private communications and ownership of money and transactions.

Training through the Active Learning Methodology

We work one-on-one or in small groups with clients and assign reading and exercises between sessions. Clients build their skills and confidence by practicing commands and operations with instructor guidance. Sessions are broken into a warm up (vi), presentation to introduce the new topic, controlled practice and critical thinking. Complex abstractions are broken into simple parts using whiteboard, pen and paper and knowledge is converted into action. Proficiency reports are delivered following each section with plans of action for specific areas of improvement.

The Learning Curve

  1. Laptops delivered with Gales Linux and Coreboot preinstalled.
  2. Unix 001 to build awareness of environment and confidence in command line operation.
  3. Apply and strengthen Unix 001 skills with System Administration tasks.
  4. Follow recipes and understand how the system is built, from Operating System (Gales Linux) to BIOS (Coreboot) to Router.
  5. Introduction to V usage, which allows the agent to consider a given text's meaning, source, and context.
  6. Apply V in deployments of Bitcoin software.
  7. Send and Receive Bitcoin payments while verifying the Bitcoin blockchain.
  8. GnuPG usage to encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify messages.
  9. Data Diode operation for administering an offline system.

Ideal Client Profile

  • $10M or greater in net worth.
  • Uses or has used legal asset protection instruments.
  • Values privacy, individualism, capitalism.
  • Not stupid, but not afraid. Mind for risk reduction. Strategic. Quantitative skills.
  • Values substance over form. Form follows function. Economy is Art.
  • Life long learner. Patience and humility to learn.
  • Trust oriented, values long term relationship development.

Training Packages

All packages and pricing include the following hardware and software:
Computer Hardware: 2 Corebootable laptops, Router, Data Diode, TRNG ; package valued at $2,500.
Software(vii): Bitcoin, GnuPG, Gales Linux, Gales Scheme, Gales Bitcoin Wallet, yrc IRC client.

Study Heavy Study Heavy Class Heavy Class Heavy
Number of Sessions: 25 sessions (viii) 25 sessions 50 Sessions 50 sessions
Study/Session Ratio: 3:1 3:1 1:1 1:1
Session Time: 25 x 90 min = 37.5 hrs 37.5 hrs 50 x 90 min = 75 hrs 75 hrs
Study Time: 112.5 hrs 112.5 hrs 75 hrs 75 hrs
Time Commitment: 150 hrs 150 hrs 150 hrs 150 hrs
Payment Options (ix): 2 x $6,250 1 x $10,000 2 x $10,000 1 x $18,000
Cost: $12,500 $10,000 $20,000 $18,000

Success to Date

We started with 3 pilot clients September this year. Each took the study heavy option. Two are in a group pacing at two sessions a week and the other is once a week. None had substantial command line experience and after 20 sessions with the twice weekly group they've : grasped command line usage and system administration in a text only environment, compiled the entire system from source following the Gales build recipe, installed and configured the system, installed and configured the router we provisioned, generated test GPG keys, transferred data between online and offline machines via Data Diode, V pressed TRB and have their node syncing.

With FUCKGOATS usage and Coreboot build and BIOS flashing remaining, this proof of concept gives us confidence our program can turn potential into relatively robust resourcefulness in 25 sessions. With the knowledge, skills and reference notes they acquired, they have a high probability of reproducing the hardware and software environment provisioned independently. If not completely, we've saved them substantial time and they're much more informed as to what are the important questions to ask.

2020 Projections

I have a soft commitment from a financial adviser from my meat-WoT that he'll be starting in February 2020 and expects to refer 9-10 of his clients over the year. He may start in a group of 3 in February ; we're meeting face to face Nov 25th to game plan further.

We also have soft commitments locally, one of which preferred simply to not be our initial client (x). Despite lingering in the online shadows hindering our local relationship development to a degree, we have developed enough relationships locally such that 5-10 clients over next year is not a stretch. With that being said, January and February will likely tell us a lot about what the year holds in store. The more clients we close and on board earlier, the more likely we have referrals in the 2nd and 3rd quarters.

Taking the more conservative 5 referrals from the north and 5 local clients all at the $10k upfront payment option, that's $100k revenue. With Jacob primarily instructing and me selling, we've agreed to 30% going to the instructor, 30% going to sales and 40% to the company to replenish hardware stocks and retain capital for future expansion. When we're referred business (xi) the referral fee is paid from the 30% sales commission. At present, we've decided it's not advantageous to operate from an office and have been delivering sessions at either the office or home of the client. The $2,500 value we place on the hardware builds in a mark up on the cost of the parts and refurbishing when required.

Up until now, our marketing has mainly consisted of meeting and talking to people in person. We plan to work referrals as much as we can, but a broader strategy for lead acquisition needs to be planned and implemented.

Operating Considerations

With the curriculum now developed, we estimate 30 minutes of preparation per 90 minute session for the instructor to deliver quality to study heavy clients. Thus, 37.5 hrs + 12.5 hrs = 50 hrs of instructor time. At 20 clients all doing individual sessions, that's 1000 hours or 20 hours a week on a 50 week year. Practice rarely works out as clean as the numbers and this doesn't consider commute time, which will be dependent on the location of the sessions, but this shows at optimistic demand levels our capacity to deliver under this two man operation is far from being maxed out.

To support remote clients, we're most likely to carry out the initial 2-4 sessions (xii) in person to kick things off and will need to build out infrastructure and processes to deliver sessions when being face to face isn't feasible. Using a tmux shared session on a server combined with a phone or video call is looking like the best way to implement remote delivery at present, but we still need to test it to work out whatever kinks there are.


While we think the service we're delivering is important, we don't want to necessarily be personally drilling ls and cd into the heads of beginners long term. We expect to reach a threshold of developing sufficiently resourceful clients such that new, more interesting and profitable opportunities emerge. That is, this initial phase will create a new market and bootstrap other ventures (xiii). What that threshold is (xiv) and what those opportunities may be will in large part depend on who the clients are. At the same time, we don't necessarily want to completely abandon a quality service we've poured substantial time and effort into. Thus, managing to build processes and people such that we can delegate the delivery of the basic training and administration and steer this business at a higher level will be an ongoing focus.

  1. Jacob Welsh</a> & Robinson Dorion. [^]
  2. from The Soul of an Individualist essay from For the New Intellectual [^]

  3. dorion: I think the problem is they're aiming for the masses rather than elite. think bitcoin can/will/is for liberating poor. so they push fast-food technology.
    spyked: lulz @ "fast-food technology". I'm wondering how this translates to software in technical terms. is it just the inflation of code, or what?
    diana_coman: spyked: fast-food tech seems to me very aptly put, really; think of it: shiny and BIG, cheap and available in 1001 varieties of the same thing, "attractive" if you don't look much/haven't seen much else, shitty content and abismal quality that will screw you up in the end; what's there not to fit, really.
    diana_coman: spyked: + there is that important part "you don't have to do it yourself!!"
    diana_coman: make it out of whatever shit you find, pre-packaged solutions tech or food-wise.
    spyked: diana_coman, I can quite see the "one size fits all"/"pre-packaged silver bullet" angle. I'm only mildly curious what this says about the code itself, e.g. I looked at the google-android code at one point and it was grossly overengineered. and I suppose that's also the case with code that's otherwise proven to be working under extreme conditions, such as the linux kernel.
    spyked: imho useful to make the distinction between "complexity for fast consumption" and "complexity that gives a huge productivity boost"
    ossabot: (trilema) 2018-06-05 mircea_popescu: "thetarpit blog scaffolding is a few kLoC of CL, but lacks *any* editor-side interface" << understand something : i publish more than anyone, and by anyone we don't mean solo operators, we mean whole fucking outfits. there's a reason for this. the fact that trilema is comfortable to me provides those last edges of extra productivity and intellectual leverage that convert exceptional performance into mindblowing performance. t
    diana_coman: possibly; at the other extreme, the copy/paste/autogen horrors are anything *other* than overengineering, lol.
    diana_coman: spyked: heh, yes, the two types of complexity mirroring the two types of simplicity
    ossabot: (trilema) 2019-10-31 diana_coman: there's all sorts of simple and not all of it boring; that there though would be the boring-simple, more like the simple remains of a cut-out than the simple path to the core of an intricacy.
    diana_coman: but fast-food is not really about no-complexity at all, quite on the contrary it would seem to me that it's precisely a lot of complexity just of the wrong kind (it's industrial for a reason, after all)
    dorion: << and building off diana_coman's comment, I see at least a couple angles. the first is who the technology is designed for. it seems since the '80s there has been a major push, primarily by aapl and msft, for computers for the masses, i.e. lowest common denominator, 'over 1 billion served'.
    ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-01 06:32:40 spyked: <-- lulz @ "fast-food technology". I'm wondering how this translates to software in technical terms. is it just the inflation of code, or what?
    dorion: this aim lead to 'point and click' (visual/spacial) rather than command prompt (verbal) usage modality. 'it should be so easy grandma can use it,' etc. further, the incorrect labeling of learned behaviour as 'intuitive', which really means luser ought never have to think, read manual or even error messages.
    ossabot: (trilema) 2016-09-14 asciilifeform: 'the only intuitive notation is the tit' or how did it go.
    dorion: To compensate for low quality user, all sorts of complexity needs to be built in, which is one part of the code inflation. another secondary part, described by naggum iirc (but don't have link handy) is demand for ever more 'programmers'. excess demand lowers quality on the creation side combined with sillycon valley, 'move fast and break things' so we can 'scale' (nevermind profitably) and sell
    dorion: to the suckers on the public markets.
    diana_coman: 'point and click' aka click-and-cluck
    ossabot: Logged on 2019-08-29 19:13:57 diana_coman: shrysr: different yes but not better; it's usually touch-screens that they throw at kids from nursery, yes; + "learning to program by click-and-cluck"
    diana_coman: and all of it coming from the core cause of too much money distributed to idiots; it makes for perverse incentives and the inevitable result of products made for them.
    dorion: lol at click-and-cluck
    dorion: more technically, "I'll import entire library rather than re-implement the one function I 'need'". and then the 'library' imports libraries.
    ossabot: (trilema) 2018-08-21 mircea_popescu: Mocky he has a point, "library" is oreilly-ism. before the free/open source struggle for power, it was rather a teaching tool.
    dorion: which leaves us in dark modern ages where can't buy professional computer -- everything is 'sysco' -- as well documented in , the logs, etc. [^]
  4. For the time being, we're going to market with the system we have and know. As Cuntoo/TMSR OS become further developed and better known to us, we'll decide at that juncture how we ought to change. [^]
  5. We give them a tour of the kitchen, show what it looks like to follow recipes, cut vegetables, marinate the meat, which knobs of the stove to turn and give them enough warning in a controlled environment so they don't set a grease fire and burn down the house. [^]
  6. Evaluate and reinforce retention of knowledge from prior sessions [^]
  7. The latter four are originally developed by Jacob Welsh. [^]
  8. Training Sessions are either once or twice per week. [^]
  9. Bitcoin, cash, check and ACH accepted in that order of preference. [^]
  10. "I like what you're doing, I see value in it for me and friends to refer come to mind. However, I don't want to pay you to develop your service, I want something developed and tested." [^]
  11. Our preference is for referral agents to first be clients so they know what they're referring. [^]
  12. For example, I'll likely spend a week in Vermont first week of February, then client(s) will travel with me to Panama the second week. [^]
  13. E.g. With 25 clients who run their own nodes, manage GPG and IRC and whose trust we've earned, one thought has been to use our centrality in the network to broker trades between them. [^]
  14. Could be 10, 25, 100 depending on the whos and what we do with them. [^]


  1. think bitcoin can/will/is for liberating poor

    I dunno if you ever saw

    dorion: this aim lead to 'point and click' (visual/spacial) rather than command prompt (verbal) usage modality. 'it should be so easy grandma can use it,' etc.

    There's a perfectly legitimate usecasefor point-and-click though. Which is how these things work out in the "no child left behind" environments : if some people will not drink soda unless it's kosher, then ALL soda will be kosher. If this usecase exists no matter what you do, then ~all things~ will now be point and click. So what if restaurant jobs became 3x as difficult for no reason whatsoever once the idiots introduced the computer for restaurants, now the waiter's stuck clucking at a screen for longer than it spends serving ?! The waiter won't/can't/don't say no, and so...

    diana_coman: and all of it coming from the core cause of too much money distributed to idiots; it makes for perverse incentives and the inevitable result of products made for them.

    I also dunno if you ever saw ; did you ?

    from chip sets that are backdoored by design -- e.g. Intel ME, AMD PSP -- to Corebootable machines.

    So, to be clear, is this AMDthen ? Because I dunno there's any kind of alternative (if indeed the unknown is an alternative to the known shit).

    Uses or has used legal asset protection instruments.

    I think you exactly understand the niche here. Come up with shit to ask for in #trilema, I'd much rather see you succeed than fail. What do you need ?

    The more clients we close and on board earlier, the more likely we have referrals in the 2nd and 3rd quarters.

    That's not the principal gain. The principal gain for the more clients you close the earlier is, the better your product and the more valuable your experience become.

    At present, we've decided it's not advantageous to operate from an office and have been delivering sessions at either the office or home of the client.

    This is absolutely the way to go ; even if you didn't know what to do with the money in the bank it'd still be a stupid ideato move to offices. Stick to the at-home approach, it's the one that historically works besides everything else.

    Up until now, our marketing has mainly consisted of meeting and talking to people in person. We plan to work referrals as much as we can, but a broader strategy for lead acquisition needs to be planned and implemented.

    Actually, more talking to people in person would be by very far the best thing.

    You sound like a fellow with some understanding of direct marketing, built a system that fucking works, instead of the usual sad & shady that's plagued with. There's no rule the only possible usage for it are coed girlies selling each other cunt flavourings / dubious old dudes doing the whole liberty dollar scam dance.

    and will need to build out infrastructure and processes to deliver sessions when being face to face isn't feasible. Using a tmux shared session on a server combined with a phone or video call is looking like the best way

    Don't be silly, you want face to face to not be "feasible", because the face thing is feasible in certain contexts and not others ; why not just use irc for this purpose like sane people ? I'm sure diana will let you borrow her chan for a spell, you have logs, you have everything -- including extremely competent hands virtually always online, which brings you the insanely valuable backing of never being in the only sad position there is -- meeting a question that needs escalation while you have no escalation available.

    And think of it from the other perspective : what exactly did it feel for you to read this comment or that article, after publishing your thing ? The very same is available for your trainees, all they have to do is ask an intelligent enough question for the whole damn world to stop what it's doing so as to spit out an answer for them.

    Use the infrastructure, it's what it's there for.

    Comment by Mircea Popescu — November 16, 2019 @ 13:17

  2. I dunno if you ever saw

    I sure have and was what I had it in mind when writing that originally. (I didn't link it in originally since real-time conversation was a higher priority at the time.) It (along was various other Trilema articles) helped me purge the nonsense I'd swallowed via let's talk Bitcoin and coinapult in my first steps from fiat spying banking to Bitcoin. Thanks for linking it in, "But bankers will be forevermore, or to be precise for as long as money exists." As long as there's money on the table, some one must monitor it.

    There's a perfectly legitimate usecasefor point-and-click though. Which is how these things work out in the "no child left behind" environments : if some people will not drink soda unless it's kosher, then ALL soda will be kosher. If this usecase exists no matter what you do, then ~all things~ will now be point and click.

    Hmm. Ok, I get how the "no child left behind" environments produce click and cluck and how the intolerant minority leads to everything being kosher and that you find value in www-config for at least one application. With that being said, "no child left behind" seems to be a secondary effect of the universal franchise, which is rightly going away. Does all things now being point and click mean MPEx will swap in a shiny point and click js-over-ssl webshit for the enlightened PGP API and switch over to excel? Are you expecting a regrind of trb to add qt back in ? The intolerant minority can cut both ways, can it not ? I.e. if trb is to be command line only, all things will be command line.

    Perhaps there is a happy medium the enlightened can straddle after all; we're focusing on the command line to balance out the gui goo ~everyone is mired in and must wash if they're to operate the expert tools such as trb, gpg, etc as they exists.

    Maybe I'm reading something into your comment that's not there, but that www-config use case seems to me to be a cultural exception rather than tmsr norm.

    I also dunno if you ever saw ; did you ?

    I for sure have and within the last 48hs at that. I deliberately didn't modify the underlying, so thanks for layering it on!

    So, to be clear, is this AMDthen ? Because I dunno there's any kind of alternative (if indeed the unknown is an alternative to the known shit).

    My understanding is some modern AMDs can be used without proprietary firmware, e.g. apu1, but many can not given the psp. That line didn't mean to imply we're excluding Intel and AMD completely, and in fact we're using older model thinkpads, but moreso that not all Intel and AMD are equal.

    We're aiming for correctness in the relatively stronger cryptographically abilities sense more than anything.

    I think you exactly understand the niche here. Come up with shit to ask for in #trilema, I'd much rather see you succeed than fail. What do you need ?

    Thank you, that means a lot and will definitely invest in formulating the best questions I can.

    That's not the principal gain. The principal gain for the more clients you close the earlier is, the better your product and the more valuable your experience become.

    Point taken and after consideration, yours points closer to the source in the principal mover sense than the original comment in that the original focuses on other people (exogenous) referring rather than the follow up which focuses on being stronger and more capable (endogenous) of receiving referrals and delivering.

    Stick to the at-home approach, it's the one that historically works besides everything else.

    Aye, thanks for underscoring that. If at the least for the sake of some prospect that may use shiny office as heuristic for "real business", now I'll have a link handy.

    Actually, more talking to people in person would be by very far the best thing.

    You sound like a fellow with some understanding of direct marketing, built a system that fucking works, instead of the usual sad & shady that's plagued with.

    General strategy is, talk to people, close them, deliver, ask for referrals. Repeat.

    Not sure if you typo'd built and meant build there. I do have some experience of direct marketing, which also instructed me on the legal asset protection instruments strategies. I put a lot into that and grew substantially, which instructs me now. In that case, the floor I was standing on fell through, but I'm now much more confident I've found my feet and am standing on much more solid ground.

    In my opinion, one of the most common mistakes that starts with good intentions and ends in sour shadiness is just trying to sell to ~everyone by ~telling~ them about xyz whizbang features. As opposed to the more effective approach of understanding who is the best fit for ~you~ and getting people to talk about themselves to see if they're one of the whos you want.

    Don't be silly, you want face to face to not be "feasible", because the face thing is feasible in certain contexts and not others

    You make good points there and will need some time to consider how to proceed/what questions to ask to help clarify the path.

    And think of it from the other perspective : what exactly did it feel for you to read this comment or that article, after publishing your thing ? The very same is available for your trainees, all they have to do is ask an intelligent enough question for the whole damn world to stop what it's doing so as to spit out an answer for them.

    There's a lot packaged in there and I've not yet found which words correctly describe the feeling, so for now will resort to referencing that I don't take your comments or articles lightly and am here to learn how to use the infrastructure as it was designed to be used.

    Thanks again!

    Comment by Robinson Dorion — November 16, 2019 @ 23:52

  3. I.e. if trb is to be command line only, all things will be command line.

    No, not at all. If tomorrow we discover that we had been wrong all along, and the correct way to deliver internet is actually through drilling an internet well and pulling out internet buckets, which might in principle happen however unlikely, it will still not follow that therefore electricity will be forced into buckets whether it fits or it doesn't.

    TRB may well be CLI-only for very good reasons, but I still won't want to answer fifty questions in a precise order every time I wish to flip the thirty-ninth bit from yes to no or vice-versa. There's no way out of this, because point and click is well fitted for a task it ain't going away. This doesn't mean that it has to be misapplied, of course it doesn't. It is however currently misapplied by the path of least resistence folk because that's how things work for them : if the options are X, Y, and Z and it's not possible to eliminate X, then the options will be X, Y-flavoured X, and Z-flavoured X. That's actually a direct restatement for what their ethos even is, that's what picking-the-path-of-least-resistance means.

    It has little bearing to anyone outside of their staid little tribe, though.

    but moreso that not all Intel and AMD are equal.

    A discussion of this is probably in order ; as far as I'm aware all intels without exception are shit.

    which focuses on being stronger and more capable (endogenous) of receiving referrals and delivering.

    Just think of the difference betwen "MP enters a room and says : hello, I've been a thousand places where I fucked a thousand women, wanna watch a bit ?" and "AGWAGSOH enters a room and says : hello, I'ved been thinking about places and women, want me to tell you all about it ?".

    Quite not the same weight at all ; doing is existing, everything else's just wanking.

    Not sure if you typo'd built and meant build there.

    Yes, I did. I do it all the time, nfi what's wrong with me, but it's getting ridiculous already.

    the more effective approach of understanding who is the best fit for ~you~ and getting people to talk about themselves to see if they're one of the whos you want.

    This is quite likely, people develop this... let me tell you a story. So, we were in Kiev, at a bdsm party, where we met this fuckdoll. Pretty blondy, tall, nice tits, not particularly bright or curious but excellent tone and flexibility, lifelong dancer, in a hardcore leather armbinder she wore most elegantly... chick's a fuckdoll, what! And top shelf material at that, UA 20something female married to a post-cashout US tech kid in his 30s. Or maybe it was family money, I don't recall exactly -- unlikely though, he was just as shy and everything else as you'd expect in the tech case.

    Except... the guy couldn't simply live with her being a toy. She didn't personally care either way, was my impression, but he did, he deeply did, and so she went through the motions of pretending to a personhood that fit ill-ly. Her mistress (no, not the husband) gave her the task to come talk to me -- a judicious move, I was the one fucking scary / complex / wow thing there, so she did. But... what do you talk to me about ?

    The girl spoke uninterruptedly for ten minutes, as a defense mechanism. Nobody can discount you as a vapid non-person if you never shut up for long enough to permit a question or some kind of meaningful communication, yes ? So she talked, she had her topics, she told me all about all sorta things of no particular interest to me, I nodded approvingly along and there you go, she succeeded at her task, and just about in time, too, as her body was preparing to collapse from sheer anoxia. You can't accuse her of not having talked to me, can you ?

    Nor do I ; I think she performed very well at her task. The behaviour is just about mandatory for trophies, be they actual fuckdolls or mere arm candy, because lots of socially inept or just simply older dudes nevertheless want to appear involved with them, in social contexts, but don't really have anything to talk with the bimbo about. In the words of the rather famous Profumo, "[Christine Keeler] seemed to like sexual intercourse but was completely uneducated, with no conversation beyond make-up, hair and gramophone records". So she talks, and there you go, the tables are turned -- nobody, especially no estranged ex wife, can accuse the fellow of not having a meaningful relationship. They talk his ear off, don't they ?!

    This behaviour is not limited to whores, however practically arranged their whoredom. People do it all the fucking time, the reason inept salesmen run by a script is because it provides the much needed insulation from the actual act of selling anything, which they abhor. I think it's mildly silly for the girl's owner to shy away from owning her right and proper ; or as she is, and let the spurious peanut galleries talk to themselves until they drop. I also think it's ridiculous to talk to people so as to avoid the thing you're supposedly doing, be it sales or anything else. But what I think doesn't matter so much : it stands as a factual matter that the first thing coming after the original "keeping silence so as to not sell" is the "talking so as to not sell". Most "professionals" are at that level, and were, and probably will ever be, which is why "The Machine" Levine is such an icon of a whole field. The Machine, see ?

    You have n-i-n-e waiting sales pitches...

    You make good points there and will need some time to consider how to proceed/what questions to ask to help clarify the path.

    That works.

    Comment by Mircea Popescu — November 17, 2019 @ 02:44

  4. [...] Friday morning, chatted in Jacob's ear from the outfield as he pitched through a relatively action packed Pizarro auction which resulted in him winning the lot of 18 FUCKGOATS. The afternoon and evening3 consisted of finishing the JWRD Business Plan. [...]

    Pingback by RMD review, Nov 11th-Nov 17th « Young Hands Club — November 18, 2019 @ 02:13

  5. [...] own distribution and plans for a Republican OS; substantial review and feedback for Robinson on his big article on our business plan; getting signed delivery instructions as promised to an eager asciilifeform; [...]

    Pingback by JFW review, week of Nov 11 2019 « Young Hands Club — November 18, 2019 @ 05:54

  6. There's no way out of this, because point and click is well fitted for a task it ain't going away. This doesn't mean that it has to be misapplied, of course it doesn't.

    Point taken and upon reflection I hallucinated a false dichotomy, i.e. command line (which has it's own warts) or poor gui.

    The root I'm trying to uncover, and question I should have asked directly, is it your position that educating clients in command line usage is misguided or proper ?

    To provide further context, operating over an airgap is part of our curriculum and given Gales Linux is text only to begin with, X11, let alone office suites and pdfs, aren't available by default. Layer on that TRB and GPG and CLI seems unavoidable at present.

    A discussion of this is probably in order ; as far as I'm aware all intels without exception are shit.

    Ok, so far the main heuristic we've been proceeding from is Corebootability and older CPUs. Further, we've focused on laptops to date and Intel is more dominate there. We definitely want to expand the hardware and improve on that front, but that's been our starting point. This is Jacob's primary domain so I'll want him on that discussion.

    Yes, I did. I do it all the time, nfi what's wrong with me, but it's getting ridiculous already.

    Usually I'm able to take the meaning from the context, in this case wanted to be 100% clear.

    Thanks for painting the picture of the fuckdoll story, my main take away is it takes strength to assert oneself into the vulnerable position of asking questions. Frantic activity is no more a cover for impotence than deafening silence.

    To transition from "The Machine" Levine, who just wants to bitch about the leads being weak as a defense of his scripted approach, to he whose watch costs more than the car of those whose fuckin' asses ought to have been fired is : know who you are, know who you want, open yourself up to ask the questions to uncover if who you're talking to is a who you want and through doing such you'll demonstrate to them who you are. Treat people for who they are, not who you want them to be cause changing your false narrative hurts. Easier said than done, but done it must be.

    just about in time, too, as her body was preparing to collapse from sheer anoxia.

    Was this a way of saying she came from simply talking to you ? I won't dispute, lol.

    Comment by Robinson Dorion — November 18, 2019 @ 16:09

  7. > The root I'm trying to uncover, and question I should have asked directly, is it your position that educating clients in command line usage is misguided or proper ?

    Depends what you're doing. From what I can glimpse of what you're probably doing, probably not misguided.

    If you're trying to convince them that cli is god's gift and everything else comes from satan however, or somesuch unwarranted should-from-is teleological jumps, then probably misguided.

    > Frantic activity is no more a cover for impotence than deafening silence.

    The situation of the world today is that the vast majority of dwellers simply do not care ; a narrow minority (oft called the aspie 14%, though that figure's a gross exaggeration) dedicates (if very superficially) its meagre capacities to "protecting" a remarkably narrow set of perceived orthodoxies (that in fact are neither meaningful nor even expressible in any sort of sense, just vague "feelings" of as much substance as puppy love), a defense mostly "achieved" through "punishing" anyone expressing opinions that conflict (or in some inept construction are taken to conflict) -- though those "punishments" are universally of the "we burn books to bother authors and destroy flour stores to lower flour prices" sorta autistic, utterly ineffectual flavour ; and finaly pockets of actual meaning (always properly constructed on authority) scattered here and there. This, however, was the situation of the world at any point in its entire history, and will perpetually remain the situation of the world, for very good reasons we're not about to get into here. In any case the notion that some kind of ideology drives the arragement is exactly of the substance of religious belief -- the same animus is required for egyptian faith in priestly-animated astronomy as is involved in contemplating "ideologically driven social order". So, yes : some simply do not care, and some others talk a lot to be thereby excused from too close scrutiny of how they also do not care. This is given aforehand, and will not be changed because it simply can not be.

    In short, education, whatever its kind or manner, can never be curative ; but it must be recuperative. The point is to rescue those of the final set that may circumstantially be drowning in a pool of the excrement that is the other two sets. I can't see it doing anything else meaningfully besides.

    > to he whose watch costs more than the car

    You will perhaps notice the irony of the film : that he is... also going by a script. "Fuck him, I'm starting anyway", he says. He just has a more fashionable script, is all.

    Not that I disagree with the further theory.

    > Was this a way of saying she came from simply talking to you ? I won't dispute, lol.

    Nah, noob public speakers tend to not breathe enough. But who cares if she orgasms or not, anyways.

    Comment by Mircea Popescu — November 18, 2019 @ 19:04

  8. [...] Our approach is to allow data to jump the gap as selectively as possible, using a simple and low-speed channel (serial port) with optical isolation and manually switched simplex operation (one way at a time). The system is intended for manual, low-frequency usage; thus we're not especially concerned with performance or timing side channels.(i) At the same time, we're very concerned with correctness, which informs a preference for straightforward "textbook" implementations when possible, minimizing external dependencies and overall system complexity, maximizing auditability (e.g. avoiding any sort of processor-specific "crypto acceleration"), and publishing code.(ii) [...]

    Pingback by Gales Bitcoin Wallet: status, preliminary work plan and code dump « Fixpoint — November 19, 2019 @ 21:01

  9. [...] I processed Jacob's feedback and pressed publish on JWRD Computing: The why, how, what and way forward. ~11 hours after the [...]

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  10. [...] I start looking into avenues to help me grow my own feet -- for example I've found JFW and Dorion's work to be particularly inspiring6. All in all, I expect to be putting a lot more work to grow said feet [...]

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  11. [...] developed it very far past what's in those articles and what we've done to develop JWRD, but seems like there is a medium to long term profit center to establish. ossabot: Logged on [...]

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  12. [...] distribution of delightfully small size and clear setup that works reportedly ~everywhere, from Panama to the tar pit of many virtual machines and the backtrace of various network [...]

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  13. [...] in Rutland we met up with a prospective client. He was affable, seemingly enthusiastic about our digital security training offering, and efficient in the meeting itself, though in its circumstances showed some fluid notions about [...]

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  14. [...] collapsed to be sold in distress that he and I started forming our friendship that later turned to business. Without Coinapult going down, it not guaranteed we'd have neither the friendship, nor the [...]

    Pingback by Friday, March 13th « Dorion Mode — March 14, 2020 @ 05:31

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    Comment by download — June 22, 2020 @ 22:40

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    Comment by Robinson Dorion — November 2, 2020 @ 21:29

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