The Southern Poverty Law Center has fired co-founder Morris Dees while murmuring something about misconduct (archived). Originally founded to assist black Americans in the southern US, over the years its mission has shifted to forcing outlaw status on vaguely right wing groups through an ever expanding definition of "hate" as the ratchet tightens.
In this 18th week of Yellow Jacket protests against Macron, police violence has been met with violence (archived).
A young Australian man in Christchurch, New Zealand walked into a couple of Mosques to play first person shooter irl. The shooter used a GoPro action camera to record his attempt at beating Anders Behring Breivik for the high score and published a manifesto. Both are being censored on popular Social media platforms. Various fiat sovereigns are threatening criminal charges for their subject caught sharing the video and manifesto. Both can be downloaded via torrent.1
In response to the shooting Australian Senator Fraser Anning of Queensland offer a statement which included:
However, whilst this kind of violent vigilantism can never be justified, what it highlights is the growing fear within our community, both in Australia and New Zealand, of the increasing Muslim presence.
For his statement Anning was struck in the back of the head by an assailant armed with an egg as he was speaking in public. The aged Senator struck back at his assailant with two punches that stunned, but failed to incapacitate his attacker.
There is a very well seeded torrent available at this magnet link, but be aware that the torrent protocol cannot be considered properly hygenic: