Neatly mirroring the decaying implementation of Justice in the Soviet Union fifty years prior, The United States Congress is considering changing the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure in a way that greatly favors police and prosecutors. Chief among this changes is broadening the authority of sub-judicial magistrate "judges" (functionally they are police station gonzos, working mostly as police detectives) to issue warrants and have their warrants recognized outside of their immediate jurisdiction. Due to their para-judicial role indented to supplement actual judges magistrates have traditionally had their limited authority end at the border of their immediate district's borders. The proposed changes are presented in full below: Continue reading
Category Archives: Fiat/BTC interfaces
Massive Qatar National Bank Leak Circulating
A dump of approximately 15,000 documents from the Qatar National Bank with information on more than 100,000 accounts are now circulating around the web. This catastrophic failure of the fiat system is still smaller than the typical IRS leak. Sorry for your loss.
Bharara Arrests Another Murgio Over
A spokesperson for the office of Avatar of Injustice Preet Bharara announced the arrest of Michael Murgio on Thursday. The FBI arrested Mr. Murgio in Palm Beach, Fla. on charges of participating in a scheme to allow Bitcoin exchange to take control of a local credit union. Along with his son, Murgio was on of three people named in a indictment regarding the scheme. Prosecutors allege that the defendants hacked into at least a dozen companies' computer networks and stole personal information of 100 million people. A report in Fortune magazine stated that while Murgio was not involved in any of the hacking offenses, he was responsible for the daily operations of and paid bribes amounting to $150,000 to the chairman of the credit union in order to help the exchange appear legitimate (archived).
"Spring Into Money" Exchange Hacking Event Continues
The 2016 Spring Into Money exchange hacking even continues, as Chilean Bitcoin exchange Yaykuy reports on their website that "we can not attend to you at the moment" due to a server breach that they are still investigating. (archived) The extent of the attack remains unknown at this time, although the announcement states that no user data was compromised and that further updates would be communicated through the exchange's social media accounts.
The Parting Of ChangeTip Continues
Micro payment service ChangeTip continues to exhibit spasmodic death throes as it announced that users will be required to contact support if they wish to tip amounts in excess of 25 USD. Last week Qntra reported that the service itself is still seeking a buyer after the majority of it's employees were snapped up by AirBNB. ChangeTip support is limiting user deposits to $100 Users of the "service" still seem to be unaware that one can simply send any amount of Bitcoin desired to a person's public address without limits or incurring additional fees.
Senior Swindler Sentenced
The Florida Sun-Sentinial reports that a Canadian man was sentenced to 4 1/2 years in prison for swindling seniors out of nearly $1 million in funds, some of which were converted to Bitcoin in an attempt to make hiding them easier.(archived). Stephan Moskwyn pled guilty to a money laundering charge at a federal courthouse in Miami. The scheme involved social engineering tactics on Seniors and vulnerable people, often requesting the person send Bitcoin or Moneypaks to assist a relative in financial trouble. Moskwyn was arrested in a Miami International Airport terminal in October of 2015.
A search revealed no Mr. Moskwyn in The Most Serene Republic's Web of Trust.
Ethereum Foundation Outsources Forum To Censorship Experiment
The Ethereum community has announced it will be shutting down it's official forums in two weeks, preferring to congregate with all the other crypto-cretins on Reddit. Ethereum price has been in a freefall for some time, prices having dipped 2.51% in the past 24 hours alone. The move seems to suggest that community funds are spread thin at the moment, with need to allocate their resources in other areas in order to keep the scam afloat. The information in the forums will be preserved on for those that need a good laugh in the future.
"Bitcoin Group" Fiat Mining IPO Withdrawn
After previously reporting satisfaction their IPO came 70% under their goal, the "Bitcoin Group" fiat mining venture has withdrawn their IPO under regulatory pressure according to numerous sources.
Bridges Suspected Of Having Unknown Accomplices As Sound Money Undermines Fiat Loyalties
The saga of Shaun Bridges who was turned from the fiat order by the power of sound money, and who was rearrested the day before he was to surrender to prison has gotten more interesting. Behold, prosecutors are refusing to allow the unsealing of their latest warrant aimed at Bridges because they claim unknown allies of Bridges remain at large. It appears the investigation into the Silk Road by United States Government agents has been far more damaging to the USG's cause than any operation of the Silk Road has. Witness: Continue reading
Silk Road 2.0 Case Confirms FBI And CMU Tor Attack Collaboration
Judge Richard A Jones of the Western District of Washington has confirmed the collusion between the FBI and Carnegie Mellon University in carrying out an attack on the Tor network. This disclosure occurred in Jone's denial of a motion to compel discovery put forth by attorneys representing Brian Farrell who is alleged to be DoctorClu of the Silk Road 2.0 according to prosecutors. The revelation settles the mystery surrounding the "lead" on Farrell's IP address received on July 30th of 2014 by the department of Homeland Security. This previously uncertain lead enabled by Carnegie Mellon's collaboration lead to months of surveillance of Farrell's residential address before Farrell was raided and arrested on January 2nd, 2015.
This entry into the public record confirms that the United States government is selectively treating domestic law enforcement cases as a military problem while precious few citizens of the United States are treating the defense of their liberty with comparable severity. This entry into the record would make Farrell's case promising in appellate courts maintained by righteous judges, but there is a poverty of actual justice in the United States court system. The full text of the order is presented below: Continue reading