Warner Brothers has signed a deal to turn over all sorts of decisions in the film making process to a computer (archived). Decisions the computer is expected to make for executives include "How much is X star worth in Y type of flick?" and "What flicks do we really want to bid on at the festivals?"
Trump And USG Respond To Iranian Missiles With… SANCTIONS!
Democratically elected US President Donald Trump declared that the USG would do nothing more than impose more sanctions on Iran after Iran's Republic Guard fired ballistic missiles at two USG positions in Iraq. Despite years of US saber rattling against Iran, once Iran struck under their own national flag in retaliation for the USG's assasination of a beloved Iranian general inside Iraq's Baghdad International Airport, US President Donald Trump found himself sitting precariously on such a mountain of incompetents that he could only stand down today. Continue reading
Iran Declares Entire USG Military Terrorists – Begins Striking Terrorist Targets Hours Later
Earlier today, Iran's Parliament added the rest of the US Military to their list of global terrorists today after adding only CENTCOM and other USG subunits last April. (archived). Hours later Iran's Revolutionary Guard began prosecuting Iran's War Against Global Terrorism by striking USG targets inside Iraq with ballistic missiles.
SHA1 Collisions Get Cheaper
The price of producing SHA1 collisions has gotten cheaper with a recent demonstration of "chosen prefix" attacks producing SHA1 collisions (archived). The method demonstrated is alleged to be roughly ten times less expensive than the one that produced the first SHA1 collisions back in 2017.
US "Defense" Secretary's Chief Of Staff Resigns – Iraq Threatened With Sanctions For Expelling USG Troops
Eric Chewning, chief of staff to USG "Defense" Madame Secretary Mark Esper is resigning from his role at the end of this month after the USG has entered into a war with Iran (archived, archived). Chewning allegedly left Morgan Stanley to join the US Military during the immediate post 9/11 burst of USian partiotism. His departure is being presented as "planned in advance" of the USG's recent entry into open war with Iran. Continue reading
Iraq's Parliament Votes For Removal Of US Troops
Iraq's parliament has responded to the USG's strike on Baghdad International Airport by passing a resolution that instructs the Iraqi government to cancel the ongoing request for assistance in combating ISIS issued to the USG and its "coalition" (archived). The "request for assistance" is the present legal cover that allows USG Troops to operate and be garrisoned in Iraq without the situation officially falling into being "an invasion" or "an ocupation" despite the USG troops in Iraq fighting just about everybody except ISIS.
Civil Unrest In France Continues As Macron Regime Remains Unpopular, USG Still Uninterested In This Low Hanging Regime Change Fruit
Yellow Jacket rioters and generally striking pensioners are continuing to riot in Paris (archived). Macronist forces continue to use chemical weapons against French civilians. The USG assassinated an incredibly popular Iranian leader by firing missiles at an International Airport, but apparently they can't be arsed to turn their regime change machine against an actually unpopular regime.
Trump Orders USG Strike Inside Baghdad International Airport – Quds Force Leader Killed
Democratically elected US President Donald Trump ordered an airstrike inside the perimeter of Iraq's Baghdad International Airport, and through doing so assassinated Iranian Quds force commander Qassem Soleimani while inflicting other casualties. Arrivals and departures from the airport have been disrupted by the attack. The attack is being presented by USG sources as retaliation for the recent seige of the US "Embassy" in Iraq by Iraqis who eventually dispersed when ordered to do so by Iraqi police and military forces. Continue reading
Argentina Opens New Year With Debt Issue Despite Being In Default
The Argentine government is opening 2020 by issuing ~1.3 billion USD in USD denominated treasury notes to be subscribed directly by the local central bank (archived). This move comes despite Argentina being in acute default for failing to make payments on existing debt and openly claiming their intent to "renegotiate" the outstanding debts they aren't paying. The Pink House's Albert Fernandez is presently insisting that the bulk of "renegotiation" concerning Argentina's existing debt wil be aimed to fuck over local note holders instead of international holders, for points of "international law" he refuses to engage. Continue reading
Illinois Residents Enter 2020 By Lining Up For Herbal Remedy To Forget They Live In Illinois
Illinois resident have taken to lining up by the thousands at a handful of concessions licensed by the local criminal organization posing as a government in order to purchase a herbal remedy that will assist them in forgetting the suffering that comes with being residents of Illinois (archived). Of all fiat jurisdictions misrepresenting regulation of this agricultural product as "legalization", the criminals running Illinois have implemented one of the most onerous regimes. Every aspect of the Illinois regime has been designed to maximize taxation potential down to a effective ban on home cultivation of this very home growable crop gated behind a mountain of "medical use" paperwork shuffling. Continue reading