China Squeezes US As Tensions Rise: Windows Out In The PLA, Rare Earth Exports On The Chopping Block

As the US amps up its efforts to squeeze Chinese tech giant Huawei out of existence, China has begun countering with its own moves. The Chinese People's Liberation Army is dumping its Microsoft Windows licenses out of "hacking" fears (archived). With Anglophone firms breaking contracts and refusing to sell to Chinese firms, any last incentive of the Chinese side to continue paying is gone.

In a serious flashing of teeth, the Chinese are considering an export ban on rare earth metals to the United States (archived). Such a move would very well fuck US industries including the graftastic "alternative" power racket and force the US and their Australian collaborators to rapidly scale up their own rare earth mining and processing and make do with less. A stronger, not immediately likely though not unimaginable ban on the export of finished goods with rare earth components would of course mean the end of "consumer tech" in the United States.

EU Parliament: "Centrist" Pantsuits Lost Ground, Brexit Party Takes UK

EU Parliament election results showed an emptying of the political "center" in favor of more polarized options. Conservative leaning voters went nationalist while left leaning voters moved from traditional Pantsuit parties to Green doomsday cult parties. In Britain, the 4 month old Brexit Party thrashed the competition in an election Britain should have already Brexited itself out of.

The EU parliament's primary function is issuing non-binding statements and rubberstamping socialisms that emerge from the EU's bureaucracies. In that light, the likelihood of this parliament doing anything other than showing how irreconcilably divided Europe is appears to be low.

72 Captured By Police During Mass Arrest Event In Rural Illinois

Seventy two young persons were captured by police during a mass arrest event in Edgar County, Illinois (population 18,576, archived). The Edgar County Sheriff's department arrived to a party outside Vermillion, Illinois (population 225) under the pretext of checking out an unusual amount of cars parked along the road. The captured young people were bussed to the Edgar County Jail in Paris, Illinois (population 8,837) where criminal charges for partying while young were issued against them.

USG Dumps More Charges On Assange Amid Dueling Extradition Claims

The USG has unleashed a new round of charges against Julian Assage for violations of the US espionage act while Sweden has formally submitted their own extradition request. Ever since the US case against Assange started moving forward, Obama pardonee Chelsea/Bradley Manning has been in and out of jail for contempt of court for refusing to snitch to grand juries and aid the production of new charges against Assange.

The new charges and the continued issuing of charges should injure the USG's chances of winning the extradition game against Sweden ,as the possibility of an espionage act charges carrying a potential death penalty such as "intefering in a military operation" are arguably in play, should Assange have competent counsel and not a Joshua Dratel. Of course since the UK uses a common law system where precendent can be cherry picked and rewritten, the US may still manage to land Assange in spite of the UK's Extradition Act prohibitions.

The full text of the USG's latest dump is below: Continue reading

USG Anti-Massage Parlor Case Crumbling Over Orgasm Free Massage Footage

The USG case against Jupiter, Florida's Orchids of Asia spa and their customers appears to have completely imploded after colliding with defense attorneys (archived). It turns out numerous hours of collected footage featured mundane orgasm free massage, and the Jupiter Police Department spent substantial time viewing footage of naked women receiving non-orgasmic massages. With this the defense team of New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft had the Prosecution's video stricken. Other customers are following on with suits against the agencies involved for illegal surveillance, which has now been established in the case.

Further indicting the USG in the case is their principle allegation, that the women working the spa were trafficked and held in captivity, an allegation which if true raises the question of why the USG had to film porn instead of simply raiding the spa and liberating the women. That the USG would delay action to stop grave human trafficking to collect some mundane additional soliciting prostitution charges weighs nothing in the USG system. It however matters immensly when a defendant outweighs the prosecution and can move fight to optics and politics outside the courtroom.

British Firm ARM Breaking Contracts With Huawei

British chip designer ARM is breaking their active and pending contracts with Chinese giant Huawei over the potential interpretations of a vague US foreign policy declaration (archived). US firms including intelligence contractor Google have broken relations with Huawei, but in this case a foreign firm is breaking their commerical agreements with Huawei over speculation.

US Airforce And Journalist Suffer Cyber Attacks Conducted By US Navy JAG

The US Airforce alleges that they have suffered a cyber attack conducted by the US Navy's Judge Advocate General corps (archived). The Navy targeted Airforce lawyers defending one of the Navy's own special operations sailors from warcrimes charges. In addition to targeting another branch of the US war machine for surveillance the US Navy JAGs targeted the editor of The US Navy Times.