Illinois: Police Department Child Groomer Arrested For Child Porn

Mitchell Rowan of the Gurnee, Illinois Police Department was arrested earlier this week on a felony warrant for possession of child pornography (archived). Rowan had been employed by the Gurnee Police department to advise their "Police Explorers' Youth Program" where he groomed children for future careers in "law enforcement" while having achieved all of 23 years of age himself.

Another Open BMC Bung: Virtual USB Open To Anywhere

Yet another set of "Baseband Management Controllers" has been documented to compromise the systems in which they are implanted (archived). This latest batch of openings allows access from the network to a "virtual USB hub", and that vitual USB hub allows all of the mischief possible with a physical USB port. Or, almost all of it. The virtual USB port can't be meaningfully plugged with virtual epoxy to the same effect a real port can be plugged with real epoxy.

Macri Begins Implementing Capital Controls As Foreign Currency Reserves Exhaust

Three weeks after the prospect of a Kirchner-Fernandez government gutted the value of the Argentine peso, current Argentine president Macri's increasingly Kirchner-esque response to the crisis has hit a new milestone (archived). The current regime has declared Argentinos may buy no more than 10,000 USD in a month and that businesses in Argentina submit their USD purchase plans to the government lest they are determined to be "hoarding" USD.

This comes after Argentina has spent 21 days actively fighting the market and exhausting its foreign currency reserves by trying to prop up the Peso Argentina's value near 60 to the USD when the market clearly understands that the Peso Argentino's value should be far lower. The remaining reserves nominally belonging to the Argentine Central Bank are encumbered as collateral for loans and almost certain to be forfeited in the coming default.

Meanwhile, publications in the Northern Argentina calling itself the US lead by Forbes had been running pieces written by Peronists explaining why Argentina can't be in as bad of a position as its behavior is forcing it into (archived). At last they had been until today when they had to admit currency controls are back.

Amazon Begins Dictating Terms To Local Police As It Builds Residential Video Surveillance Network

USG Surveillance firm Amazon has begun dictating terms to local police agencies in the United States (archived). Amazon is compelling agencies which have "partnered" with them in a program related to surveillance cameras dressed as doorbells and attached to private homes, to use Amazon's preferred marketing points when discussing the program.

The program involves a portal that Amazon offers to local "law enforcement" from which the law enforcement agencies can "request" footage from particular deployed cameras. The cameras themselves are allegedly deployed primarily through sales to consumers though a substantial fraction of deployed cameras have been distributed through a number of "donation", "contest", and "sweepstakes" gimmicks.

PROROGATION: Queen To Suspend Parliament After Apparently Tiring Of Exit Free Brexit

In a rare quasi-sovereign act, Queen Elizabeth II has agreed to a prorogation request by Boris Johnson which would suspend parliament from September 9th through October 14th (archived). This five week suspension of parliament during a time three weeks of recess would traditionally be taken appears motivated by a desire to prevent the commons from once again fucking up Brexit. After parliament receives a new "Queens Speech" October 14th they will have a full 15 days before the new October 31st Brexit day to try to fuck things up.

There is a small chance that at least one court in the UK challenges the prorogation and in doing so invites a minor crisis exposing the lack of sovereignty surviving in the crown.

Magistrate Judge, Rules Of Federal Procedure, Common Law, And Hoaxtoshi Collide In Absolutley Schizophrenic Ruling

The ongoing litigation between Craig 'Hoaxtoshi' Wright and the estate of the late David Kleiman is leading to the accumulation of substantial insanity in the US courts circus. US Magistrate Bruce Reinhart of the Southern Distict of Florida recently issued an order on the Kleiman estate's motion to compel. As Hoaxtoshi has spent years filing contradictory claims in a wide number of jurisdictions while consistently raising the impossibility of verifying his claims as an affirmative defense, Magistrate Reinhart found himself in the awkward position of applying sanctions against Wright without regard for how the sanctions might conflict with reality.

As a mere magistrate, Reinhart cannot wield criminal contempt of court as a weapon against Wright for being a medacious piece of shit, nor did he find it prudent to recommend an actual judge pursue civil contempt of court charges. Instead he decided to enter into precendent that a number of claims in the case that are to be held as established facts for the purpose of applying sanctions against Wright, with Reinhart using the weak hedge that it is not the court's role to establish the truth of Wright's claims. This is a particularly weak hedge in light of Wright's ongoing bad behavior creating infinite space for more "facts" to be "established" for the purpose of the case, without any regard for whether truth in the case responds to truth in the world.

Wright now has a ready avenue to have the court affirm all of his most grandoise claims by baiting the court to sanction him and further establish "facts" for the purpose of the case. In light of the absolute inability of the US courts to enforce anything, baiting potentially tens of billions of USD in judgements against him is the right move in Wright's situation in order to create a record supporting his delusions, even if all the support is hedged with the "for the purpose of this case" caveat.

The full text of the order is presented below: Continue reading

Assholes Fork GIMP Over 'Problematic' Name

A number of shitgnomes have forked the GNU Image Manipulation Program due to terminal butthurt over the project's short form name GIMP (archived). This appears to simply be the latest in a long line of project coups carried out with varying degrees of success by committee. The fork, which should be assumed toxic, calls itself "Glimpse" in a twist that seems no less ableist than GIMP.

Pantsuit Social Engineers Begin Calling For Invasion Of Brazil Over Seasonal Wildfires

Leftist climate stooge Franklin Foer wrote a piece in The Atlantic calling for military intervention in Brazil with the aim of usurping democratically elected President Jair Bolsonaro and seizing control of the Brazilian Amazon for an ambiguously defined "international community" (archived). Last year US-based left/Pantsuits attempted to interfere in Brazil's internal politics in the run up the the presidential election with both the New York Times and Facebook attempting to prevent Bolsonaro's democratic election.

This year, for what appear to be entirely pantsuitist political reasons, the popular media in the US and Europe have decided to panick over seasonal wildfires in the remote Amazon. European Pantsuitist leaders, citing data from Brazil's own satellites, are derailing a pending EU-Mercosur trade deal over the wildfires constituting a violation of some sort of "environmental commitments" Brazil agreed to. Other European governments including Norway's pre-emtively stopped sending Brazil aid dollars before Bolsonaro's government could attempt to mobilizing a fire fighting and containment response.

As of press time there has been no organized outrage or regime change efforts over the far more numerous wild fires currently burning in Angola under the government of João Lourenço nor the Congo under Félix Tshisekedi's government. For some reason the similarly patterned seasonal wildfires afflicting the Bolivian Amazon under the government of Evo Morales don't appear to merit calls for regime change from the "international community" either. The wildfires that routinely sweep populated areas of California including last year's Malibu blaze, where far more logistical support is available to firefighting operations than the remote Amazon, also somehow failed to produce calls for deposing the Californian government.

Brazil has a population of more than 200 million people, a space program, and is a net exporter of military technology to the United States.

Google Bans Political Discussions Among Employees As It Supports Apparent USG Color Revolution In Hong Kong

USG surveillance contractor and social engineering organ Google has banned politcal discussion among employees just as the firm is throwing its support behind an apparent USG backed "color revolution" in Hong Kong (archived, archived). The substantial language and cultural differences between the Mandarin speaking mainland and Cantonese speaking former British rent-a-port have been a reliable source of tensions between the two while the structural barriers between the Chinese languages and European languages make any publication claiming to outline the substance of the disputes fueling Hong Kong's present unrest for you suspect.

Then again, if one looks at the trends and compares the incredible development the mainland is experiencing versus the relative stagnation of Hong Kong's modern democracy with the "One Country, Two Systems" experiment, one could suspect some jealousy or resentment are at play.

Philadelphia Home Defender Who Shot 6 Cops Allegedly Federal Snitch, Violence Likely IntraUSG Dispute

The case of Black American Patriot(?) Maurice Hill, the man who  shot 6 cops attempting to invade his home last week has taken a turn for the weird (archived). US Attorney William McSwain has accused Philidelphia DA Larry Krasner of "disrespecting law enforcement" for raiding Maurice Hill's home… because Hill is a snitch for the feds. Apparently Hill has a long history of arrests and convictions with a substantial lack of accompanying time incarcerated. This suggests the possibility that Philidelphia cops were motivated to invade Hill's home out of a desire to eliminate a particularly obnoxious USG stooge they were tired of putting up with in a local versus federal dispute.