The USG case against Jupiter, Florida's Orchids of Asia spa and their customers appears to have completely imploded after colliding with defense attorneys (archived). It turns out numerous hours of collected footage featured mundane orgasm free massage, and the Jupiter Police Department spent substantial time viewing footage of naked women receiving non-orgasmic massages. With this the defense team of New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft had the Prosecution's video stricken. Other customers are following on with suits against the agencies involved for illegal surveillance, which has now been established in the case.
Further indicting the USG in the case is their principle allegation, that the women working the spa were trafficked and held in captivity, an allegation which if true raises the question of why the USG had to film porn instead of simply raiding the spa and liberating the women. That the USG would delay action to stop grave human trafficking to collect some mundane additional soliciting prostitution charges weighs nothing in the USG system. It however matters immensly when a defendant outweighs the prosecution and can move fight to optics and politics outside the courtroom.