On Eve Of Convention Democrats Rewriting History Of Their Party

Breitbart brings us news that Minnesota congressman Keith Ellison (WOT:nonperson) tried to rewrite the history of his party, the one set to coronate Hillary Rodham-Clinton (WOT:nonperson) as their nominee (archived). Ellison tried to declare that former four term Alabama governor, proud segregationist, and even prouder Democrat the late George Wallace was actually a Republican. In 1972 Wallace was the favored candidate to win the Democratic nomination for the presidency until he was shot five times. His campaign ended soon after the shooting. Ongoing concerns about Wallace's health enabled Carter to defeat Wallace in the 1976 primary  paving the way for Reagan convert a substantial portion of the Democratic party's base over to the minor socialist party during the 1980's. It turns out Ether huffers aren't the only people upset with the immutability of history.

I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.

– 1972's long time frontrunner for the nomination in Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama's party

Trendon Shavers Sentenced

A court in the United States sentenced Trendon Shavers (WOT:pirateat40) to:

  • 18 Months In Prison
  • $100 Special Assessment
  • 1,200,000 United States dollar forfeiture
  • 1,200,000 United States dollar "restitution"

Trendon Shavers plead guilty to charges of securities fraud back in October 2015.

Trendon was initially indicted by MPOE-PR (WOT:hanbot) on April 17th, 2012 (archived).

Coinbase Embraces Ether As Venture Continues Running On Fumes

Coinbase recently announced that they are adding support for directly huffing ether, allowing existing Coinbase customers to now use their bank accounts and credit cards to huff ether. As previosly noted, Coinbase is running on fumes which habituates those attached to the venture into huffing volatile organic componds as they desperately need income to account for their nominal $500mn valuation. Coinbase's uncontrollable burn and rate powerlessness over their addiction to external infusions of capital has forced the company to project their desire to huff the sweet vitriol onto their customers. Sorry for your loss.

Coinbase's Brian Armstrong Huffs The Ethereum Hardfork Jenkem

With approximately 24 hours left until Ethereum forks, at block 1,920,000, reports show that at least 60% of miners are supporting a hard fork at this time. Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong (WOT:nonperson) lauded the effort on twitter, stating that "If ethereum pulls off this hard fork, very positive signal for them as a team. Shows they can listen to community, execute in time of crisis." Ironically, it appears Mr. Armstrong will be correct in his assessment, as the hard fork will permanently execute any hopes that one can take the immutability of the Ether block chain seriously, and proving that "smart contracts" are not unstoppable and irreversible despite the hype to the contrary. Sorry for your loss.

First Difficulty Adjustment After Halving: Very Slight Increase

The Bitcoin network mining difficulty went from 213398925331.32391357 t0 213492501107.51336670 an increase of 0.04385016% in the first difficulty adjustment after the network's second halving. Prices reported by fiat/Bitcoin interfaces have been similarly stable staying with the number of United States dollars required to purchase a Bitcoin remaining in the middle 600s  much of the time. HODL on!

Roger VER-ified Censorship Free Paradise Censors

The convicted felon known as Roger Verified (WOT:nonperson), scraped the bottom of the reddit barrel when creating the lulz mine r/btc, in an attempt to create a forum for users interested in hijacking Bitcoin with bigger blocks. His claim was r/bitcoin, run by the scammer theymos (WoT: theymos), did not represent the views of the majority due to censorship. Verified further claimed his new lulz mine r/btc, was free of censorship, and thus represented an unbiased view. Upon publicly disclosing his subreddit's moderation logs, evidence quickly arose of an obfuscated censorship technique.

The automoderator bot, contrary to Roger VER-ified claims is optional. It is turned off by default, and upon being activated comes with a completely blank configuration. The logs reveal /r/BTC's automoderator deletes any comments from a user with -50 comment karma in that subreddit, a custom policy which required intentional implementation. Given the evidence Trilema reported earlier proving reddit is easily manipulated by bots, it is pretty clear the moderators are utilizing vote manipulation to censor unpopular opinions.

Antminer Flaw Allows Machine Takeover

An Australian security researcher has discovered a flaw in Antminer Bitcoin miners that can be leveraged with CGMiner to obtain complete control of the victim's mining resources. Tim Noise stated that the majority of devices are configured from the factory with a web interface without a password set, which can then be silently adjusted to redirect the mining proceeds to the attackers wallet. Further lulz were had when it was noted that the OpenWRT software is running most operations, including CGMiner as root user. The flaw was tested on the ubiquitous Antminer S5, and Noise is currently testing the proof of concept on the S7 series of devices to see if it can be duplicated. He has posted his version of the exploit code, dubbed "Queen Ant" on shithub. BitMain did not comment on the announcement.

Derp Summit At Bretton Woods Begins Today

A large number of derps from obeastly regulatory bodies, hamplanetary legislative bodies, and mayogendered figures declaring themselves to be from the blockchain industry are meeting at Bretton Woods. According to CoinDesk the aim of this meeting at Bretton Woods is to produce a "white paper" for presentation at a "payments industry" conference this October. Attendees are reported to include:

the US Federal Trade Commission; US Department of Commerce; and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, as well as US Representatives Mick Mulvaney (WOT:nonperson) and David Schweikert (WOT:nonperson) and members of educational groups including Coin Center and MIT Media Lab

The amount of detail offered by CoinDesk further suggests that Barry Silbert (WOT:nonperson) or representatives of zher ventures will be in attendance.

Brettons Woods is a resort in Carroll, New Hampshire that offers skiing and conferences that attempt to pervert the meaning of money. A July 1944 conference at Bretton Woods set the stage for the purely fiat currency which would come to fruition over the next several decades. The setting chosen for this gathering suggests those in attendance intend to subvert the actual future of Bitcoin regulation.

Given the short hours long life of the "Kimberly Process for Bitcoin" meme, expect the mayogendered forces of shitgnomery to begin pushing a "Bretton Woods of Blockchain" meme. The delay between this conference in July to the paper's presentation in October suggests that the meme will have at least three months to live, if only in their own heads. The conference begins today and continues through Wednesday. Sorry for your laws.

Latest Fork Noise Arrives On Schedule

This past week supporters of the failed ClassicCoin coup attempt have attempted to socially engineer a fresh round of buzz for their failed effort. They are referring to their latest effort as the "Terminator Plan" which supposes that somehow people are going to switch en masse to their stillborn and irrelevant ClassicCoin client from the moribund and also irrelevant "Core" fork of the reference Bitcoin client.

This time the fork effort had still less fanfare than the original ClassicCoin announcement, just as the ClassicCoin announcement had still less fanfare than the XTCoin announcement which preceded it. The sudden push for the "Terminator Plan" in addition to being exactly on schedule has arrived swiftly after the effort to suppose Bitcoin could be replaced with the ether huffing habit effectively ended.

Discussions taking the "Terminator Plan" seriously have been absent from venues engaging in actual economic activity involving Bitcoin. Most discussions have been limited to English language outlets controlled by Roger Ver1 (WOT:nonperson) and Chinese language outlets similarly removed from actual economic activity despite occasional appearances by miners.

Meanwhile the price reported by fiat/Bitcoin interfaces remain above where it was when the ClassicCoin coup was defeated, which is above where it was when the ClassicCoin Coup was unveiled, which is above where it was when the XTCoin coup was defeated, which is still further above where it was when the XTCoin coup was unveiled.

Beyond all this drama and distraction the miner subsidy halving looms and the economic deterrent to unwelcome forks abides. Sorry for your loss.

  1. Who notably is no longer unable to travel to the United States. As Roger Ver did not arrive on a ship and take the place over, it is probably he made one or more deals with people.