Chinese Ministries Issue Advisories Cautioning Against Travel To US Over Crime And Law Enforcement Hazards To Chinese Citizens

The Chinese foreign ministry and ministry of culture and tourism have issued travel advisories for Chinese citizens considering visits to the US (archived, archived, archived). Both advisories list many of the normal reasons other countries advise caution when traveling to the US including dangers presented by defects of culture and high urban crime rates. The culture and tourism ministry's advisory however goes further in highlighting the hazards posed by US "law enforcement" including the arbitrary application of laws.

Charges Dropped Against Members Of US Dissident Group That Refused To Plea Out

In Los Angeles, U.S. District Judge Carmac J. Carney dropped charges against members of the nationalist Rise Above Movemment (RAM) for violations of the 1968 Anti-Riot act on the grounds the act and its application in the case is too unconstitutionally broad (archived). The three men were charged with travelling with intent to riot and conspiracy to commit rioting for their attendance at a 2017 free speech rally that turned violent with the arrival of combatant antiFa activists. Carney determined the activity charged under the law was too far removed from the start of the violence and rioting for the Anti-Riot act to be consitutionally relevant.

Each charge carried a potential 5 year prison sentence. One other RAM member was charged, but they fell for the plea bargain scam. Four other RAM members similarly fell for the plea bargain scam in a another 2017 case.

Amazon Moving Into "Built In" Market With Their Spyware, Google Drama Shows "Voice Computing" Largely Human Powered

The "voice computing" surveillance scheme appears to be gaining further forced promotion as Amazon partners with firms to build their "Alexa" spyware into new multi-family apartment buildings and hotels (archived). This emerging trend stands to still further raise the cost of privacy for captives of the United States well beyond what they already could not afford.

Meanwhile unrest inside of the Google bring further light to that USG intelligence gathering firm's fraudulent marketing of human labor as "artificial intelligence" (archived). The firm which once dominated search through algorithmic superiority increasingly depends on hand curation and a six figure number of heads indirectly employed as "mechanical turk"1 contractors to meet the needs of its customers.

  1. Not to be confused with Amazon's Mechanical Turk(TM)(R) service 

California Public Utilities Commission Approves Measure Allowing Utilities To Initiate Mass "Fire Prevention" Blackouts

As the People's Republic of KKKalifornia continues its progressive deindustrialization, the local Public Utilities Commission has decided to allow electric utilities to implement mass blackouts during period of high fire risk in order to insulate themselves from liability should a fire break out (archived). As much of this People's Republic is a precariously irrigated desert, this means locales including San Francisco, San Jose, and the "ritzy" suburbs of Los Angeles are all candidates for preventative power outages, depending how the wind blows.

Certain special classes of utility determined by the composition of their ownership had been granted this authority as early as 2007. Calistoga in the Napa Valley enjoyed a prophylactic service outage last year that was surely sold as entirely for the people's own protection.

USG Dumps More Charges On Assange Amid Dueling Extradition Claims

The USG has unleashed a new round of charges against Julian Assage for violations of the US espionage act while Sweden has formally submitted their own extradition request. Ever since the US case against Assange started moving forward, Obama pardonee Chelsea/Bradley Manning has been in and out of jail for contempt of court for refusing to snitch to grand juries and aid the production of new charges against Assange.

The new charges and the continued issuing of charges should injure the USG's chances of winning the extradition game against Sweden ,as the possibility of an espionage act charges carrying a potential death penalty such as "intefering in a military operation" are arguably in play, should Assange have competent counsel and not a Joshua Dratel. Of course since the UK uses a common law system where precendent can be cherry picked and rewritten, the US may still manage to land Assange in spite of the UK's Extradition Act prohibitions.

The full text of the USG's latest dump is below: Continue reading

USG Anti-Massage Parlor Case Crumbling Over Orgasm Free Massage Footage

The USG case against Jupiter, Florida's Orchids of Asia spa and their customers appears to have completely imploded after colliding with defense attorneys (archived). It turns out numerous hours of collected footage featured mundane orgasm free massage, and the Jupiter Police Department spent substantial time viewing footage of naked women receiving non-orgasmic massages. With this the defense team of New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft had the Prosecution's video stricken. Other customers are following on with suits against the agencies involved for illegal surveillance, which has now been established in the case.

Further indicting the USG in the case is their principle allegation, that the women working the spa were trafficked and held in captivity, an allegation which if true raises the question of why the USG had to film porn instead of simply raiding the spa and liberating the women. That the USG would delay action to stop grave human trafficking to collect some mundane additional soliciting prostitution charges weighs nothing in the USG system. It however matters immensly when a defendant outweighs the prosecution and can move fight to optics and politics outside the courtroom.

British Firm ARM Breaking Contracts With Huawei

British chip designer ARM is breaking their active and pending contracts with Chinese giant Huawei over the potential interpretations of a vague US foreign policy declaration (archived). US firms including intelligence contractor Google have broken relations with Huawei, but in this case a foreign firm is breaking their commerical agreements with Huawei over speculation.

Uncommon Law: US Courts Moving Into Secrecy While UK Moves Towards Deterministic Juries

Several cases in the "common law" jurisdictions are moving Anglophone courts still further away from man in the war over men or law.

  • Douglas County, Colorado District Judge Theresa Slade has ordered the charges against two LGTBP shooters at a Colorado STEM school sealed as they were issued (archived). 18 year old Devon Erickson and 16 year old "male identifying" Alec McKinney were involved in an incident where 1 was killed and 8 wounded at a school in Colorado. One of the woundings is being attributed to a private security contractor at the school who opened fire on responing Sheriff's deputies and struck a student with gunfire in the process. In spite of the sealings it was declared that McKinney will be charged as an adult. Last year the Colorado Supreme court ruled there the public has no right under the state or federal constitutions to inspect court records (archived).
  • The US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals determined investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson's case against the FBI and US Department of "Justice" cannot move forward due to her inability to identify the individal USG stooges involved in the operation to surveil her (archived). Attkisson has compile substantial evidence documenting tresspass and invasion of her personal and work computers by USG agents during the Hussein Bahamas administration. At the time Attkisson was employed by CBS News investigating the scheme where then Attorney General Eric Holder sent arms to the Mexican Cartels and the debacle where then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got US diplomatic staff killed in Benghazi. An earlier court ruling removed Eric Holder as a defendant in the case.

    This ruling prevents US Citizens from seeking remedies in US Courts against harms done by USG criminals. The involved agencies simply need to declare the matter involves "sensitive executive branch discussions and decisions" and not cooperate with discovery in the case. In spite of substantial forensic evidence demonstrating harm done in this case, the court has eliminate any space for seeking remedy from the guilty.
  • Under a new draft espionage act the UK is preparing to allow prosecutors to "screen" juries with the aim of disqualifying jurors that might sympathize with the defendant and deliver a "wrong verdict" in cases (archived). This measure would officially end the last pretense for having a jury at all.

Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Attacked From Behind At South African Event

71 year old former California governor and "Jingle All The Way" star Arnold Schwarzenegger was assaulted from behind while filming social media posts and posing for photos at a youth athletics event in South Africa (archived). A black male adult delivered a running jump kick to the back of the septuagenarian white politician. There is no mention in the mainstream press as to whether or not the incident is being classified as a "hate crime" by South African police.

Cold Dead Hands? New Zealand SWAT Teams Start "Overwhelming Force" Gun Confiscation Raids

Reports are emerging from New Zealand that gun confiscation raids have begun targeting private citizens with overwhelming force and an absence of due process (archived). The cases so far have involved 30 armed agents of the terrorist government of New Zealand conducting shock operations and presenting rural Kiwis with the choice of surrendering their guns or doing the "cold dead hands" thing. One compliant Kiwi targeted by overwhelming government terror offered:

They were very interested in my views on the Christchurch shooting, Muslims, religion, and politics. I don't hold extreme views. To imagine I'm some sort of white supremacist is just a bit far-fetched… I'd like to know how I came to be on a list somewhere. I'm just an everyday Kiwi. A phone call would have worked just as well.

In the wake of a self described "eco-terrorist" attack Prime Minister of New Zealand's terrorist government Jacinda Ardern began a campaign of suppresssion against the established population of New Zealand, going so far as to order arrests for merely viewing a video documenting the eco-terrorist attack. Ardern has been working in concert with African-French despot Macron in order to attempt the suppression of all internet and media communications opposed to international Pantsuit-ism (archived).