USG Claims ISIS Leader Body Dumped Into Ocean

The USG and its democratically elected President Donald Trump are claiming to have killed an ISIS leader in Syria and disposed of his body via oceanic dumping. Little supporting documentation for the claims have been offered beyond a photo of a dog with an unreleasably classified name allegedly injured during the operation and already returned to active duty status.

Argentina And Uruguay Go To The Polls

Today half of the unsuspended members of Mercosur are conducting national elections. Argentina is expected to conclusively deliver their government to Peronismo. Uruguay is expected to set a presidential run off for November 27th while composition of the legislature will be determined though the outcome remains difficult to project due to a lack of quality polling. In the probable event Uruguay's left receives a disappointing result, a rainy overnight forecast is likely to put a damper on the potential for any immediate civil disorder.

Only Anti-War US Presidential Candidate In Contested Primary Quits Congressional Race Despite Long Odds

US Presidential candidate and active national guard officer Tulsi Gabbard has ended her congressional re-election campaign in order to focus on the presidential race (archived). Despite consistently low polling to this point and her lonely position as the only anti-war candidate in this cycles contested US socialist party primary, recent attacks on Gabbard delivered by Hillary Clinton have finally brought attention from the US "mainstream" media to her campaign. The field at present is otherwise crowded with largely identical candidates.

Iraq Pleas For International Assistance Removing US Troops Following Syria Withdrawal

Iraq has begun issuing pleas to International bodies for assistance in removing US troops that escaped Syria by entering Iraq (archived). Iraq gave the US permission to have their troops enter Iraq under the limited condition the troops were escaping danger in Syria and once safely in Iraq the troops would begin onward travel out of Iraq. Public statements from USG stooges declaring their intent to use Iraq as a safe haven to continue mounting operations in Syria must be very disturing to the Iraqis that merely offered a humanitarian transit option to a beaten force.

KKKalifornia Freshman Pantsuit Congresswoman Caught Breaking New House "No Sex With Staff" Rule

Katie Hill, a freshman congress critter sitting in the vice chair of the "House Committee on Oversight and Reform" appears to have flagrantly violated a rule passed in February 2018 forbidding members of the House from sexing the staff (archived, archived). The no sex with staff rule as passed by the then GOP dominated house in response to the #metoo moral panic. Katie Hill of the Hill is alleged to have maintained sexual relations with at least two staffers, one of each sex.

Her present occupation of the Vice Chair of the particular committee she does further complicates internal USG power struggles playing out.

A circulating yet multilated photograph of an adult woman alleged to be the congresswoman grooming her subordinate in the nude is presented below:

Allegedly nude congress critter grooming subordinate

China Condemns "Foreign" Backed "Color Revolutions" Around The World

Chinese defense minister Wei Fenghe, while declining to explicitly name the USG, condemned the USG's instigation of "color revolutions" and unrest around the world (archived).

Wanton interference in other countries’ affairs will never win. Interfering in other countries’ domestic affairs, instigating a color revolution or even attempts to subvert the legitimate governments of other countries are the real causes of wars and unrest in different regions

As the USG's once servicable capacity to conduct military interventions has collapsed, formenting unrest through the US State Department has become the last remaining threat in the USG regime change toolkit. It hasn't been working very well.

Youth In US Increasingly Decide Life Not Worth Living

The US CDC reports that suicide among people in the US aged 10 to 24 has increased 56% in the period from 2007 to 2017. This coincides with an increase in bureaucratically driven in "anti-bullying" and "suicide awareness" efforts. The chance that the bureaucrats wringing hands will identify the suffocating lack of space their activity leaves as a driver of US youth unable to visualize futures for themselves appears to be nil. Expect the kids to keep checking out.