Sergiy Usatyuk of Orland Park, Illinois was hit with 13 months in prison by a North Carolina based US Circuit Court for operating the "Exostresser" DDoS for hire service in partnership with a unknown "Canadian" (archived). The 21 year old plead guilty to running the service between August 2015 and November 2017. In addition to the 13 months of incarceration, Usatyuk will enjoy 3 years of supervised release and an order to forfeit 542,925 USD.
Author Archives: Aaron 'BingoBoingo' Rogier
Unrest Today: Yellow Jacket Rebellion Against Macron Now A Year Old, Bolivia Unrest Continues Developing Along Rural/Urban Split
The Yellow Jacket rebellion against the French despot Macron has now been going on for an entire calendar year. Macronist forces deployed chemical weapons and water cannons against French resistance fighters, as is their custom (archived).
The resignation and departure of Evo Morales appears to have resulted in an escalation of civil unrest in Bolivia. While the fall of Morales has some elements in common with common color revolutions, the speed with which he was ejected suggests actual discontent with Morales and his obnoxious spin on "third way" socialism fueled his fall. Morales further failed to cultivate active urban male supporters capable of keeping the military and police in check along the line of Maduro's collectivos in Venezuela. Morales indefensibly failed to failed to develop an entrenched network of supporters inside the capital and bet his entire regime on the loyalty of the countryside.
The current increase in Bolivian unrest appears to be driven by Cocaleros and other agrarian supporters of Evo Morales slowly making their way to La Paz. Prolonged conflict in Bolivia around these lines can be expected to influence cocaine prices, especially in Europe, in the short to mid term.
More Intel Data Leak Flaws Documented This Week Situation Particulary Grave
This week has seen a number of flaws in Intel chips that leak data, but two seem to dwarf others publicized so far (archived). The first, TPM-FAIL allows private keys stored with the "Intel Platform Trust Technology"(TM)(R) "trusted platform module" to be acquired via timing leakage. The ST33 by MTMicroelectronics was also shown to have a similar vulnerability.
The gravest reveal (archived) is a set of "Microarchitectural Data Sampling" attacks allowing any data passed through an Intel CPU to be leaked, in flight, whether the data has been stored in the CPU's cache or not. Many of these attacks abuse Intel's handling of speculative execution. Others take advantage of flaws introduced or made worse by efforts to patch Intel's previously documented speculative execution bugs.
Netherlands Halting Economic Activity On Multiple Fronts Over "Nitrogen Emissions Crisis"
A declared "nitrogen emissions crisis" in the Netherlands is being used as a pretext to interfere in all manner of activity. Drivers are seeing speed limits reduced (archived). Permits for home construction are not being approved, infrastructure projects are being canceled (archived), and farmers are being encouraged to stop farming (archived). Apparently the Dutch nitrogen emission fixation was first legislated into being during 2015, but has now been elevated to crisis status as the Netherlands gets set to explore new frontiers in post-activity economics. Now Fetid Cesspool Of Spam And Malware, like its other free to "all comers" predecessors, has now fallen into use as a favored platform for spreading spam and malware payloads (archived). From Google's blogspot through Automattic's, to all of the various social media watermelon fields, no platform free to all comers has managed to avoid this fate. Some bleed more trying to clumsily stop the flood than others.
Mexican Military Plane Carrying Evo Morales Diverted To Paraguay After Peru And Others Closed Airspace
A Mexican military plane carrying Evo Morales and other recently resigned Bolivian government socialists into Mexican asylum was diverted to Paraguay to refuel after Peru closed their airspace to the plane's political cargo (archived). Chile and Ecuador are alleged to have closed their airspace and airports as well. In the end, Brazil allowed Mexico the use of its airspace to make the coca growing would be Aymaran Tito into a northern hemisphere problem.
UK Police Punish 237 Of Their Own For Internal Breaching
After British Police Sergeant Okechukwu Efobi plead guilty for "abusing" police databases to research cases against himself earlier this year, it turns out 237 cops and staffers at police agencies on Airstrip One were disciplined for a variety of infractions broadly classed as "misusing IT resources" (archived). Freedom of Information requests have been met with responses suggesting there is little access control or monitoring of internal police networks and databases within the Queendom (archived).
Unrest In South America Continues
Unrest in South America appear to be picking up the pace with Bolivian President Evo Morales announcing new elections with no apparent palliative effect on the popular, military supported revolt against the leftist leader (archived). Similarly, rebellion in Chile has persisted long after the local USG aligned government there walked away from the transit fare hikes which triggered that civil unrest. Other governments on the continent, USG alligned and USG hostile alike, seem to have either some level of active civil unrest ongoing or ready conditions that will trigger unrest in the near future set.
Update: Evo Morales Resigned +/- a few minutes of this piece's original publication.
US "Impeachment" Drama Continues Building Towards Implosion
The US Pantsuit party's ongoing Ukraine, Biden, Phone, Trump impeachment circus appears to be building towards an implosion which will surely be very damaging to what little is still standing of the party machine (archived). The GOP intends to summon Hunter Biden, alleged "whistlebower" Eric Ciaramella, and others to testify. The Pantsuit panic over "Trump-Russia collusion" that fell to "Trump-Ukraine collusion" will in the end probably lead people to wonder "What the fuck foreign policy was the Hussein Bahamas administration pursuing anyways?"
Alleged "whistleblower" Eric Ciaramella's name is systemically being censored by Pantsuit alligned media and online censorship organs including but not limited to Google, Twitter, and Facebook (archived).
Black Colorado State Student Persecuted For Blackface Costume
Koby Peters, a black Colorado State University Student Senator, was kicked out of a student government meeting for wearing a blackface costume mocking very pasty Canadian Prime Minister Justine Turdearow (archived). Peter claims to be suffering attacks by other students that accuse him of 'cooning' or 'being and Uncle Tom' over his decision to dress as a white man dressed as a black man while being a black man himself.